A PROactive approach for COmmunities to enAble Societal Transformation
PRO-COAST will develop, apply and validate a cutting-edge operational framework in the study of coastal ecosystem dynamics for the benefit of the population most exposed to risk deriving from biodiversity loss. Such a framework needs to tackle the complex social-ecological issues at hand, particularly so because these issues involve a dynamic perspective on the social as well as its interaction with the ecological system. Hence, the PRO-COAST framework will be based on the integrative Social Ecological Systems framework (SESF), based on the seminal work of the late Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom.
PRO-COAST will apply and validate its holistic framework for identifying the interactions and dynamics of the different subsystems in a set of nine representative case studies located on the European continent, both in EU and non-EU areas, covering all five European coastal regions.